Data analytics has been used increasingly in many industries to spot trends, reduce risk, inform and support decision-making, and deploy resources more efficiently.
A recent study shows that trend has been embraced very slowly in the security industry.
At Sunstates Security, we’ve been using technology to gather and analyze security-related data since 2014. The result: Better security for our clients.
Data Gathering
We use reporting software so we know where our officers are and what they’re doing at all times. We know what equipment is being used, its status, and whether we need to schedule repairs or maintenance.
Reports about an open door, an alarm, a water leak or an incident arrive in near real-time. Trespassers? Skateboarders on site? Officers and managers will know quickly and efficiently.
We also conduct regular site audits to ensure that we’re living up to our commitment for every client. We can track trends and identify opportunities for improvement easily.
Managers review reports and compare them to the operations manual for each client and site, as well as the contract, to provide quality assurance. If the client has any questions about security coverage or incidents, that information is available immediately.
Clients really see the value of the robust reporting system, which can provide data on incidents, trends, service levels and more virtually any way the client prefers.
The Power of Analytics
But the real value comes when we use the data for analysis. When we see an increase in certain types of incidents in an area, such as smash-and-grabs, we can do two things:
- Change our security strategy in the area to combat the issue
- Proactively take similar steps in neighboring areas to mitigate potential issues there as well
Or maybe we see that employees are leaving a certain building without turning off lights or equipment or failing to secure the building at the end of the workday. By spotting these trends, we can quickly alert the client or take corrective action.
We can also program messages into the system, so officers know what to do if they encounter certain situations. We consult with the client beforehand, and the system alerts security officers of what to do when a temperature alarm goes off in a boiler room or IT closet, for instance. Instead of spending time contacting the client, as soon as they log an incident, they get the information they need to solve the issue.
One internal piece of analysis that proved very helpful was an increase in the number of headlights burning out in vehicles. Further investigation revealed that our vehicles are subject to much more use. Once we’d identified the vehicle and bulb types that created the issue, we worked with a vendor to fix the problem.
In short, technology combined with analytics helps us provide better service to our clients every day. A lot of it may be behind the scenes, but it’s incredibly useful.
Sunstates Security uses a combination of technology and skilled, well-trained officers to provide a high level of security to every client. To discuss the benefits of our approach, or to review your current security needs, please call Sunstates Security at 866-710-2019 or contact us
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